Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Half Marathon Number 3 Completed!

I am still recovering, but finishing this half marathon was just so special. I had run the Wallis Sands Half Marathon last year, and knew that the course was beautiful, on the ocean, and with a medal waiting for me at the end. 

     What made this year extra special? Where to start? Well this year things kind of evolved, as they do, and not sure how they all started other than a friendly conversation at the Nutcracker with some dance mom running friends. We decided to make a "Dance Mom" team. Some decided to cheer us on too, which was totally awesome and made running to the finish line even better!! We made matching t-shirts and the runners wore solid color tutus while the cheer squad decided to wear rainbow tutus.  While most of us run at different paces, I ran with one other mom.  It was was so nice to just have a friendly face next to me for the miles and miles.  

(back of our shirts) 

(Me all ready to go)

     The other thing that made it so special was the training.  This year I had met a friend through Barre and Soul, who said she would run with me. As I was training and adding on the milage I really appreciated someone to talk with and distract me from the "We're only on mile 7?" feeling. 
     Every Sunday we would meet up and she would ask how far are we going today? Even though I am super slow, she came along and kept me company, and motivated! We would usually hit a hill towards the end of the run, and one time eve doing hills at the end of a run.  I would say having a running friend was the best. What was even super nice was I knew she could have gone way faster than me, but ran at my speed, because thats what I could do. 
     This year I also went to a ton more Barre classes. I had joined a challenge at the beginning of April. It was a fun way to meet people, but also motivate myself to get to the studio more often.  I have talked about my love of Barre before, and if you are thinking about, try it! It is a lot of fun and a great work out to boot! My goal for this half was to finish strong, and uninjured. I knew Barre would help me get there, and it did!
    As my luck would have it, the week before the half on an 8 mile run, I fell. I was about 5 miles into my run when my feet just missed the ground. I didn't think much of it at the time. I got up dusted myself off and finished the run. But by Monday I knew something was wrong with my right leg.
      I had gotten cellulitis, form my fall. It is a painful infection that can be treated with some antibiotics. When I saw the doctor on Tuesday I had told them I had this half marathon on Sunday, my leg needed to get better. They were doubtful, but a tiny bit optimistic. That was all I needed, to know there was a possibility I could still run this. 
     People kept asking me though out the week what was I going to do. Get better and do this race was my only answer. Sunday after the race was done my husband had one word for me: determined.  This leg infection issue slowed me down a bit and was a little painful but it didn't stop me, I was determined, or stubborn. Either way I ran the entire distance, I finished in the upright position, and I was unhurt. 
     I have felt accomplished and felt happy at the end of every half, but this one was special. I left this one tired, sure, but determined to run another. I am still sore and recovering, but so happy I was able to finish, and looking forward to running another half marathon. 

Here is to more miles and more half marathons, this year and beyond! 

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